A boatload of ideas for offers you could launch (perfect for your stage of business)
Have you fallen into the idea trap: either having a business idea you love SO MUCH you're in danger of crushing it - or having NO IDEA what to offer your audience? This video shows you that ideas for offers are abundant, but the trick is finding one that fits with your stage of business.
Have you fallen into the idea trap in your business?
The idea trap is sneaky, because it comes in two seemingly opposite forms:
- You have an idea that you love so much that you hanging on to it with all your might – and you miss opportunities to refine or improve your idea.
- You have no idea what to launch and this keeps you stuck – because you think you can’t start launching without an idea (and a great idea at that.
The truth is, ideas are overrated. So for the next few minutes, I invite you to let go of the idea of an idea. An instead, let's zoom out for a bit of perspective and consider all the products or service packages you could launch.
My aim is for those of you with an idea you love to make it even better (and more profitable), and for those of you with no idea to find an awesome one.
First of all, you need to understand your stage of business. Are you...
- a Trailblazer just getting started with your business?
- a Biz Boss who’s already set up in business, but looking to expand your revenue streams? Or,
- a CEO, who’s looking to scale your business beyond yourself?
In the video below, you’ll find a range of examples of offers you could launch, perfect for your stage of business.