Entrepreneurship How to procrastinate better We don't need to fight procrastination. We just need to learn how to procrastinate better. Here's my 7-step process to do that, inspired by the book Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman.
News How to add your profile photo to this (Ghost.io) site "Where's my profile pic?" you ask. I've got ya!
News Featured Hello! Welcome! Let me show you around... Hi, I'm Shelley! Welcome to my home on the internet. Allow me to show you around. I've got posts on entrepreneurship, homeschooling, family music, and books. And podcasts too!
Entrepreneurship Launching a coaching package or a service-based offer? Here’s what you’ve got to know before you start What is the best launch strategy to use when launching a service-based offer like coaching or a freelance service package? My answer (now): It depends… on your Launch Starting Point.
Entrepreneurship Putting the fun into sales funnels Do sales funnels feel like you're tricking a customer into a sale? It does not have to be this way. Here's a new way of looking at sales funnels and reducing the overwhelm when it comes to launching a new offer.
News The big WhatsApp Privacy Policy debate - my take The latest debate around messaging apps has caused polarisation, confusion, stress, and a fair degree of ugliness too. The fact is that it doesn’t matter which “team” you’re on. What matters is that we’re finally having this conversation — exhausting though it is.
Entrepreneurship A boatload of ideas for offers you could launch (perfect for your stage of business) Have you fallen into the idea trap: either having a business idea you love SO MUCH you're in danger of crushing it - or having NO IDEA what to offer your audience? This video shows you that ideas for offers are abundant, but the trick is finding one that fits with your stage of business.
Music A tribute to Johnny Clegg Johnny Clegg passed away yesterday (16 July, 2019) after a 4-year battle with cancer. In my sadness, I've taken to my keyboard to write a tribute to this inspirational musician and human being.
Entrepreneurship Why a mindset of experimentation will set your launch free Experimentation. It's the best defence against shiny object syndrome, overwhelm, and fear of failure in your launch.
Entrepreneurship What is a “Book of Small Experiments” – and how can it help your launch? Instead of seeing a launch as a do-or-die, overwhelming, scary beast-of-a-thing, let’s reframe the concept of a launch into something more playful, experimental, and customized to what feels good for you and your goals.